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Pat Pilkington

 Artist Pat Pilkington.

Pat comes from a very creative family. Her mother would hand her boxes of old wallpaper, fabric, and needle and thread.They would design houses, clothing and animals.

She designed weddings, did all the flowers, recovered furniture, r
e-vamped furniture, and designed window displays. They would spend days in her play world.

Pat received the opportunity to take art classes and never turned back. She attended Schissler Academy of Fine Art and loved every day. 

She participated in the recreational program at Schisslers Academy for 7 years and when they opened the certificate program she jumped in. She was awarded portfolio of the year for the first year of the certificate program.

Pat has had the opportunity to be trained by many incredible classical artists including Janeen Schissler, Cody Winiecki, Amanda Gress, John Reager assistant to Anthony Ryder, Anthony Ryder figure drawing workshop, and Marjorie Leagitt from the Botanical Gardens.  

Pat's Work

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